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This deck of ability and spell cards is an invaluable resource for any barbarian, fighter or monk as well as player races with spell-like abilities. Each deck is made from thick laminated card so they will stand the test of time.

  •  Ability / Spell name and important info is easy to find for quick reference. 
  •  Descriptive / Mechanical text is written in full wherever possible. When it isn’t, a Player’s Handbook page reference is given. 
  •  Scaling spell-like abilities have an additional section with details on how they improve. 
  •  Card backs prominently display class or race icons for easy sorting.
  •  The cards are highly durable and are made to last. Each card has a coating that protects them and makes them safe to use with dry erase markers.
  •  Contains 61 cards. 16 Battlemaster maneuvers, 3 Barbarian abilities, 19 Monk techniques and all of the spell-like racial abilities for Drow, High Elves, Forest Gnomes, and Tieflings from the Player’s Handbook; Genasi from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion; and Aasimar, Firbolgs, Tritons, and Yuan-Ti from Volo’s Guide to Monsters.

Dungeons & Dragons: Spellbook Cards Martial Powers and Races



    201 W Chestermere Drive

    Chestermere AB


    (inside the Chestermere Recreation Centre)


    Mondays:  5:30p - Midnight

    Tuesdays: 5:30p - Midnight

    Wednesdays: 5:30p - Midnight

    Thursdays: 5:30p - Midnight

    Fridays: 5:30p - Midnight

    Saturdays: Noon - 6:00p

    Sundays: 11:00a - 7:00p

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